Wednesday 2 August 2017

zelda's adventure part 1 - qoxonmafase quest


Arin and Danny immediately groan on starting up the game. Good on them for playing all the CD-i Zeldas!

I'm so happy they're playing this! Whatever about its quality, it looks really fascinating!

They name themselves QOXONMAFASE and start the game.

Further groaning as they experience the loading times for bringing up the menu and shifting to the next screen!

I'm extra thankful they're playing this game because it costs so much online. Nice one guys :)

They're so disoriented by the game that they only realise the sword is directly to the right after a long while. I don't blame them!

They meet several characters with weird voice acting. Great fun listening to all of them!

I'd actually love to play this game! I like the atmosphere! Those loading times are very unlike conventional Zelda though and would annoy me a lot though.

I hope they play through the whole thing :)

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