Friday 4 August 2017

zelda's adventure part 3 - cave bats and talking treasure


Arin and Danny continue exploring the cave with parts in the foreground obscuring paths. To be fair, this happens a little bit in Link To The Past as well, but not on this level.

They look up the term "phoning it in" to find out where it came from. It came from newspaper journalists it seems.

Lots of weird characters that talk in this cave, one of them being a treasure chest! There's a certain atmosphere that's absolutely fascinating about them though!

That "DO NOT COME IN HERE" guy is particularly compelling!

Yeah the BGM is just one note :) it is pretty atmospheric though!

That one big red boot item just looks hilarious :) they gotta go back to get a candle though... through all those loading transitions too. Yikes. They just decide to die and respawn back to the cave entrance.

At the end slate they're yelling in horror on entering the other cave. What got them so spooked? I'll have to find out next time.

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