Saturday 18 March 2017

1-2-switch - i love ye, game grumps!


Like Arin, I don't drink but I am Irish and my heart is bursting with pride and love for these guys right now :D omg that opening!!

It all starts with a conversation about coming of age and what the day all means to them until freaking Jack bursts out into song and it turns into a big Broadway musical number! At first it's him, Matt, Ryan, Barry, Vernon and Ross singing together but then Arin Grump shows up and yell-sings at them to shut up because he and Suzy are trying to get some shut-eye. Then he gets his neck broken by Ninja Brian in a festive Patrick's Day hat!

I love ye so much right now, Game Grumps! Aaaaah! That was go hiontach ar fad!

Then Stout Train begins with 1-2-Switch, and just like when it was done on KittyKatGaming, there's a face cam because it's all about what takes place off screen and looking at each other in the eye.

Hey I wonder if they flipped the video image so it wouldn't be confusing?

"I shot dirt too... this guy!" Ross quips. BURRRN!

Yes Ryan, you do have an accent! JEEZ!

Nice rattle effect on Barry's eyebrows :) he just wants to go home and play Zelda. Don't we all!

That "five" instead of "fire" really is tricky.

Wow, Ross is one fast gun!

In the eating contest, it's nice to see Vernon going from being hesitant to excitedly triumphant :)

In case anyone asks, no I've never seen someone milk a cow with one hand and hold a Guinness in the other.

Ross is a mighty milker and Barry matches his milky mightiness!

They get all Dragon Ball Z with the wizard zapping :)

The finale is the bottle shaking game. They all get up for it and take turns until it pops when Ryan gets it. That's it!

They were much more sober this year! With this game though, they didn't need to be any more disoriented!

Had to watch that musical number skit at the start again. It was so awesome XD

Nice "what's the craic?" shirt Vernon! :) Also love that Police Squad freeze that Ross does at the end of it!

It's taking me freaking ages to catch up on Grump episodes.

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