Friday 31 March 2017

night in the woods part 8 - the morning after the night in the woods


Suzy and Arin are in some kind of weird sequence where they have a bat :O

They swing the bat at cars, dustbins and streetlights while trying to make sense of the scene but also crack the odd joke about it all.

There's some weird metal bird structure that they wreck in different stages. What does this dream mean?

When they wake up, they find messages from Bea and Gregg on their computer. Messages asking if they're ok and to stop by their workplaces if they wanna chat. Aw :)

Mae's notebook is freaking awesome :) Arin's right, it would be a cool thing to keep a doodle diary :)

They have another chat with mom before leaving. Important stuff :)

Ah so the doodle diary is recommended by Mae's doctor...

Love that distant voice from the roof that Arin does XD

Wow... no hesitation in disobeying mom by going right on the power lines :O breaking and entering too!

Hmm... a childhood memory of a parade icon mallard. Yeah they are getting kinda weird with breaking into places and feeding mice. Strange stuff!

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