Saturday 25 March 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 13 - welcome to ireland!


Arin and Danny discreetly gather while hiding from the big centaur guy.

They get in a scuffle with him and just barely manage to escape into the snowy land! Wow... that was all kinds of close! He was pretty dangerous with just his ice arrows, don't mind his one hit kill blows!

More gathering, some wolves circling and they get through it.

Love the frustration take out on the tree :)

Yikes... their cold resistance wears off...

That "Cash Me Outside" girl is something else alright.

They glide their way to Hateno Village, where you can buy your own house! Neat :)

It's raining and they talk about chemistry and how Danny doesn't like algebra.

They also talk about how it's always lousy that you can't do stuff in the game when it's raining. Yup! Welcome to Ireland :)

They unwittingly find themselves in a deer hunting mini event with a timer. They only have two ordinary arrows, but they use them well!

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