Thursday 9 March 2017

paper mario ttyd part 52 - sneaky storage


Danny and Arin get a visit from Rawk Hawk who warms them to stop kicking so much butt.

Sassy pirates... Man I can't wait for Pirates Of The Caribbean 5 :) Dead Men Tell No Tales is the subtitle of it.

Yep! Busywork indeed! Still, as a game plot device, it can be lots of fun.

They sneak a bit more and get into the storage room, where they meet Ms. Mowz again! She gives Mario another kiss. Arin does an impression of her... servicing Mario while she talks to him. It's also funny to imagine the computer that fancies Peach getting all hopeful because of this!

Yeah Koops! Think about your girl at home! Don't be swooning over a bad girl!

Ohhh those unfolding stairs were a pretty cool discovery :)

It's all sneaky sneaky with the air vent crawling and listening in on conversations!

A rat? You mean a Mowz!

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