Wednesday 15 March 2017

dark souls iii part 90 - homeward bone *danny nods*


Arin and Danny team up with two buddies this time to take on the reaper lady and bad night monster.

That really is dramatic when the monster goes nuts on his lady friend getting hurt. Good thing the buddies are pros :)

Yikes! A third stage to this fight! They all win though :)

Oddball lizard... an oddblizzard?

They pick a fight with one of the gross flies they run past. Very funny edit of dialogue added when they talk to it like a pet before killing it :)

An item called "Homeward Bone" and Danny nodded like he knew exactly what it was. Naturally! :)

They get invaded by a guy that does the same cheap fireball move at them over and over and they're low on flasks! Not a good ending...

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