Thursday 2 March 2017

resident evil 7 biohazard vr part 6 - shovel man


Arin and Danny resume the VR horror, just when Danny thought he'd calmed down!

Oh man... it's back at the Texas Chainsaw-like family scene. Urgh...

They admire the speakers. This helps distract from the nasty horrifying horror!

"I wonder if that's the garage?" Danny says, and there's a big sign that says "GARAGE" there. Hehe :)

I don't blame them for feeling really unsettled... it's completely silent and it looks like something's gonna jump out at them at any moment :(

...aaand it does. Well it's creeping and they're looking around corners with the VR helmet... this is pretty nuts! They freak out and are all frantic... they get spotted and walloped with a shovel several times.

They briefly escape via the hatch in the floor and they take a well deserved break from the terror for next time on Game Grumps. Whew!

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