Wednesday 29 March 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 17 - really want them to play zelda's adventure!


Arin and Danny are all excited to meet Paya again.

I'd love them to find and play Zelda's Adventure for CD-i. Might as well play all of them now :) maybe they could arrange something with James Rolfe? Maybe he still has the copy he reviewed in the AVGN review.

Mr. Hatcher is pretty good alright :) Arin wishes they could play it all the time! "AWKWARD!" hehe :) Glad to hear the episode is doing pretty well with views. The creator contacted me for writing about it! It was pretty darn neat :)

They venture into a big canyon area with wooden structures built along the cliff faces. Kinda nerve wracking to see the stamina go so low while they're climbing, but they handle it no bother; all while talking about some weird T.V. show where the characters aren't having sex with each other but should for some reason. Just hanging out.

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