Thursday 9 March 2017

overcooked! with barry part 1 - dramatic rpg plotline!


Suzy and Barry try out this cooking game! Suzy sets the mood with a belch. Nice edit of Barney Gumble in there!

Post apocalyptic cooking?

Aw :) determined pupper!

Wow, so you have to cook to fend off meatball monsters? Interesting plot premise :)

At least the meatball monster is a generous tipper.

It does feel like they're playing the last level of the game with its One Winged Angel-like music :)

Ahahaha they time travel to 1993 to learn about cooking in order to save the world from that scenario :)

More expensive to cook than eating out?! Wow :O

Game seems stressful, just like a real restaurant kitchen! The dramatic RPG plotline would make you motivated to play more I'd say.

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