Saturday 25 March 2017

doodle doods episode 3 - the simpsons - i love this series so much


Ross, Arin and Chris OneyNG are drawing The Simpsons today!

Right after they warm up with an apple man! I get warmed up too with laughter, because they're all pretty funny! Pooping apple seeds and I adore the little banana man that attacks Chris' apple man!

Gotta start with Homer! Chris loves drawing him and just ends up drawing the whole family as heads and legs! Maggie's just an amoeba! Very funny! Arin's Nickelodeon Homer is cool :) Ross' Homer is a funny mouthy one like a puppet Homer. It's like he's advertising a spread made out of cookies.

Bart is next! Arin's one does look like the Cheesestrings mascot! Ross and Chris draw him with an even taller head than he already does and one where his body is his skateboard.

Next up is one-minute Marge! Arin draws her face into her hair! Ross' is like a claymation monster and Chris' is too hot for YouTube! Nice stretching and bending of her hair. Chris tends to draw them with bodies shortened into their legs!

Lisa next! Big anticipation as to what Arin's is! Chris draws a friendly spiky ball on legs and Ross draws a stretchy mini sax playing Lisa. Arin's is just a smiley starfish! Chris finishes his with Lisa ladyparts. Good thing it was edited out! WhoO!

Maggie time! They all make her out to be some kind of weird slug squiddy creature. Like something out of Treehouse Of Horror :)

Finally, Grandpa! They all draw a withering cross between Homer and Bart with lots of cool gross results! Chris' one is a bit like Saturn Devouring His Son! Yikes!

I dunno if I said it before but I love this series so much!

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