Wednesday 29 March 2017

night in the woods part 6 - a game about still living at home after school


Suzy and Arin talk about the melancholy tone of this game and how it reminds people of their 20s and about the quarter life crisis.

Yeah. It's that millennial boomerang thing. Wondering when life opportunity will come and what to do until then. This is our game. Feelings of loneliness? Yup. Aimlessness? Yup. I appreciate having Suzy and Arin to share this game with. Let's Plays are very important!

They talk to their mom before going out to a party. Along the way they overhear people talk about restoring the statue to attract new life into the small town. They also pass some teens who call them adult so they're not hip anymore either. Oh noes!

Suzy can be vulgar of course :) I remember how she started the show as being family friendly!

At least they can also rely on Gregg to be a smiling face happy to see them :)

Hehe they're pronouncing Angus' name the same way I would in my accent :)

"Gregg's my corner" is just the sweetest thing :) but yeah. They ask Angus at the video store about who would even rent videos nowadays. He gives a pretty cool insight.

They confirm spin arrangements with Bea. She's got attitude but she's accommodating at least.

The kids call them an adult, but an adult calls them a kid. Yeesh!

And another adult, the aunt cop. She's cagey about what dangerous thing is possibly happening but not cagey at all that something is happening— or at least, does happen. They wonder what it could be and... well I'm pretty curious myself.

At least this episode ends out with the family having tacos together :)

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