Tuesday 21 March 2017

la croix taste test challenge - live action soft drink taste challenge

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HOO8PErBXE

Fun live action product video where Arin tastes some La Croix brand drinks and tries to guess what the flavours are. We don't have this stuff available here but it's fun anyway. Suzy and Vernon facilitate the challenge and Jimmy Whetzel, Matt, Ross, Holly, Barry and Ryan take part in the challenge also! Lots of fun ahead!

How could you not taste grapefruit?! It's pretty strong!

He's doing well on some of them but yeah... he's supposed to be the La Croix boy!

Arin gets 4/7 and then it's on to Jimmy Whetzel! Been a while!

He should probably stop guessing kiwi!

Lots of weird sound effects and that visual effect fly that came out of his mouth. Yeesh!

He got 0/7. Poor guy!

Matt from SuperMega is up next!

It's hard to mistake lemon for anything else...

He's the only one so far to correctly guess the one that's just water!

Cranberry put together with raspberry is a new concept to me as well... He got 4/7!

Ross is next! He's not a fan at all, so he has a special spit cup next to him!

At least he kinda likes the lemon one :) He got 0.5/7. I really pity him because he knows how delicious Ribena is :)

Ryan from SuperMega is next!

He's got some comparisons to cleaning products as well and gets 2/7.

Barry is next!

He mixes coconut up with strawberry cheesecake. What?

He said kiwi for one of them as well like Matt did! Gah!

At least he got lemon and water :) 2/7!

Holly is next! YES! That's how I would pronounce this weirdly named drink brand as well if no one told me otherwise!

Wow! She got 5/7! She wins all the prizes and glory and adulation!

Wow, so are there going to be more live action challenges? That'll be fun :) I love the snacks from other countries theme!

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