Thursday 16 March 2017

dark souls iii part 91 - simple pew pew laser


Arin and Danny hurk an interesting piece of trivia about the DLC.

They're close to finishing the DLC so that's nice.

I know the exact laser toys they're talking about! They were too cheap to put different settings for different zaps. Had to cycle through them! The simple pew pew... that's all we really want to do isn't it?

They beat the Dark Spirit that was getting them last time with the fireballs. Yeah!

They try to work out how to get all the way down and make a bit of a mistake... but they quickly correct it :)

Going down past those branches and having to heal in between due to fall damage seems kinda weird, like going through Gulg Volcano in Final Fantasy.

It turns out they were already in that area far below before and they reminisce on their past adventures in this game. Kinda nice to do now that they're near the end. :)

They do lots of levelling up by trading souls and items and stuff. Now they get to do the fireball thingy that attacks by itself :)

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