Thursday 9 March 2017

breath of the wild part 6 - axe you how much you love this game


Arin and Danny meet a guy on a bridge, looking at stuff in the distance.

This reminds me of the telescope guy in Wind Waker! I love that guy!

They plan a dramatic shield slide entrance into a Bokoblin camp but wipe out hilariously! The paraglide dive bomb was much more stylish on their next attempt :)

Opals! Not Oprah! Matt and Ryan you sillies :P

They get a little too excited about simmered fruit :P

It is pretty cool to see Arin loving Zelda after enduring CDi Zeldas and being Grump for Ocarina Of Time :)

That was a funny thing Arin said about the Octorock just showing up to mess with him instead of delivering a tutorial :)

Axing questions :) that was a funny moment. Danny not bothering telling the joke thinking it was lame and Arin says it anyway! Hehe!

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