Wednesday 29 March 2017

everything part 3 - deep grumps continues


Arin and Danny are now microscopic corn dogs with tentacles.

They start talking deep and how the stuff can be scary and terrifying.

They get all quiet when the lecture voice starts talking again.

Danny talks about the first time he really realised he was gonna die someday. Arin talks about other stuff that scares him. They discuss stuff like this quite a bit while switching from one thing to another.

All this thinking is fun for me :)

"Dollars are things, and I need a lot of them to buy a PS4!". Ain't it the truth Danny :) and that's a good point as well. You could be in an emergent and dangerous situation that you have to deal with and not have time to think about being part of everything. If something is gonna kill you if you don't get out of its way right now for example, you want to be as unconnected from it as possible!

More Deep Grumps in the next episode :)

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