Saturday 4 March 2017

doodle doods episode 1 - dragon ball speed draw - cool cartoonist show!


The middle slot is back! Along with Ross! Also Chris OneyNG! Arin too! It's a new show about drawing for fun. I'm on board with this idea :)

They start by drawing each other. Great start! :P

Arin's drawing Chris, Chris is drawing Ross and Ross is drawing Arin!

The drawing of Arin has an expression that looks a bit like Robin Williams. The drawing of Ross looks very cartoony and the dino thing is like the Klaptrap from Donkey Kong Country! The drawing of Chris looks very serious... like it's from a serious animation that might appear in a film festival. All cool :)

Ross' Vegeta is like a big smiling double handled mug! Chris' Vegeta is just a funny angry thing :) and Arin's a bit more serious. It's got the rectangle-like eyes going on!

Next up is 30 second Goku! Arin's is all nice and goofy and happy, Chris' is like some wacky Fido Dido thing! Ross' one is also happy and goofy :)

Cell is next! They each take a different form and without reference! Arin's first form Cell is looking pretty cool, Ross' middle form Cell is looking funny but still good! He's got a Rocko expression and teeth! Chris' Perfect Cell is perfectly funny! Four legged crawly thing with a serious expression face!

Frieza next! They're taking the different forms too though he has four. Arin's doing the Xenomorph like Frieza, Ross is doing the big bull horn Frieza and Chris is doing final form Frieza. All hilarious! Ross' has a gentler, more cow-like expression and they do an impression of him being all sassy about killing Krillin! Arin's Frieza has like a wriggly bug for a head with a cheeky expression, thinking he's badass to have horns on the sides of his body! Chris' Frieza is like a funny scrawny gecko thing :)

Tien next! Ross draws him with several eyes all over his head! Arin draws him all buff and muscular and Chris draws him with a droopy expression and with like a sagging breast or something but also featuring Chiaotzu floating nearby! Yay!

This is a brilliant new show by them! They get to be their cartoonist selves and stuff :) I love it!

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