Monday 6 March 2017

paper mario ttyd part 49 - fuzzy on battle


Danny and Arin fight against some blue Koopas wearing shades. They look a bit like the Squirtle Squad from the Pokémon anime!

They're formidable enough... Danny and Arin win against them though :)

All of a sudden, those two Clefts rush the stage for another battle! They beat them too! Woo!

Next battle is against Fuzzies. They lose against them :( Yikes! Fuzzies are very tricky to do a dodge against in this game alright because their attack is so strange.

They swap for Koops and fare much better against the Fuzzies then.

They get some cake from a fan. Strategy guide says it's safe so... they have it. I wonder if you could save it for later maybe? Cos it seems pretty good.

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