Sunday 19 March 2017

doodle doods episode 2 - harry splatter - featuring frodo!


Ding Dong and Julian join Chris and Ross today. New people labels!

They start by drawing each other. Ding Dong & Julian draws Ross like some kind of Pinocchio dreaming of Pac-Man with a Mario hat, Chris draws Ding Dong & Julian as some kind of Akira lumps and Ross draws Chris handsome but with a funny expression, like he's enjoying the pizza's condiment squirting a bit too much.

Now for the LEGO Harry Potter stuff! Ding Dong & Julian draws Harry with a little Sonic smirk, Ross draws Harry all crazy and weird and Chris draws Harry as some kind of weird melty lemon with glasses and claws.

Now for Dumbledore. Ding Dong & Julian's one looks less like a LEGO man and more of a Funko Pop! figure but nice and sensible enough compared to Chris, who draws a hysterical nude rendition with weird nipples and a chin for a beard, and Ross draws him as a garden gnome with a crazy face and awesome sleeves.

Hermione next. Ross draws her with very glamorous eyes and lipstick looking at a book entitled "BOOK", Ding Dong & Julian draws her like some kind of Quentin Blake illustration along with a word balloon that says "SMART!" like a cavewoman :), and Chris draws her like an actual cavewoman with one bushy eyebrow and a scarf.

Voldemort next. Chris draws him like Bat Boy from Weekly World News, except without the big eyes, Ding Dong & Julian draws him as a thing growing out of someone else's face and Ross draws him like Papyrus from Undertale cosplaying Voldemort but also with a hand puppet snake.

I know next to nothing about about Harry Potter by the way!

The Twins next. Chris draws two blobs with legs, one alive and one dead; Ding Dong & Julian draws them as a.... Cooking Mama Pez dispenser and a gravestone and Ross draws just one of them crying over his brother being dead. I like this one :) It's like they're making fun of some kind of "death spoiler" trope that may or may not have been identified yet on tvtropes.

Snorting Hat is the next one and it's on a kid's head. Ding Dong & Julian's one says "This kid sucks". Chris' one says "No scool for u???". I don't get it but the Simpsons-like character wearing the hat looks funny :) . Ross' one looks freaking awesome with the big mouth and eyes, saying "what a loser! Expelled!" and the wearer saying "my brother's still dead". Yeah, same humour between them :)

Next is Buckbeak. Ross draws it as a chopped turkey head, Chris draws it as something with wings and legs and horns doing something weird with its feet(some reference I don't get), Ding Dong & Julian's one is a pretty cool lion-bodied, eagle-headed creature with a halo and looking all hunched over.

Next is Hagrid. Ding Dong & Julian looks like he's gonna draw Hagar The Horrible, but draws him as a doorway shaped hairy monk instead; Chris draws him like Grimace, except with facial hair, beady eyes and huge bare feet which is pretty funny :), Ross draws him saying "ssh ur wizard" to Harry.

Next is Ron. Ding Dong & Julian draws him all droopy and sad over his wand being broken, Ross draws him as a potato baby head along with the same twin death joke from a while ago and Chris draws the fourth film version where he swears and has the big hair.

Next is Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. Ding Dong & Julian draws one of them all haughty and angular and half finishes a fat looking one and another with a bloated drooling face, Ross doesn't know who they are at all so he just draws a generic bishie with vampire fangs, an actual crab and a lump of flesh that probably just says his own name "GOYLE" like a Pokémon. Brilliant :) Chris draws one of them with a Mr Burns head and the other two as some lumpy potatoes with baggy pants.

Next is Frodo from that other franchise. Ross draws him as a little man with weird face and "1 RING" pointed out, Chris draws him as a fluffy head with big feet and Ding Dong & Julian draws him as a dumpy slouchy dude with a sword and says "SAHM".

Next is Whomping Willow. Chris draws it as a whippy tree thing that whomps a guy on the head, Ross draws it as a tree with a stretched mouth face that says "I'll whomp ya", Ding Dong & Julian draws it with a Strong Bad head and its branches have Strong Bad gloves at the ends of them.

I haven't watched that much of Jackie Chan Adventures but I love that question bit at the end too!

They finish the last picture off with a few bits and that's it! Love this new show :) I especially like when they don't get Harry Potter references (because I certainly don't!) and they just draw whatever like an actual crab instead of Crabbe :)

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