Friday 3 March 2017

paper mario ttyd part 46 - snurglez, danny's new dino friend!


Danny and Arin wrestle a little with the droopy microphone stand before buying items to kick more butt.

The next ranked battle is against Clefts.

They're right. Lots of fans of Mario RPGs. Especially this one. I would be super engaged if they started playing the Mario & Luigi series! They're my favourites :) (not a hint or anything, but they could play the GBA original on the GameCube and use two controller ports to control each Mario Bro!)

That story about Arin's Doom book and his classmate is funny. Weird isn't it how we get upset at people who are wrong and insist on being wrong just to be jerks! So true though.

Then a battle with Bob-ombs they must do within five turns. They make short work of them :)

Danny likes Cloverfield?! I don't understand... wouldn't the bad shaky cam make him super barfy?

Then they face the armoured harriers. The strategy guide says run, so they run.

OMG that little red Yoshi that hatched out of the egg. He joins their party and they get to name him! They call him Snurglez! Danny immediately loves him :) awh

"Massive damage"? But this game came out before 2006!

Aw... Danny loves his new dinosaur friend :)

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