Saturday 18 March 2017

dark souls iii finale? part 93 - the sneezyshank redemption


Arin and Danny recruit more buddies named Namalamadinkdonk and Tanker. Sounds like a decent duo :)

Poor Danny has the hiccups! He's trying to scare himself!

It's a pity they don't live through it... but they reunite with buddies from the last episode! This includes Mr. Sneezy Anus! Yeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! He came back! Redemption story indeed! :'D

With the help of Sneezy they trash Lord Of Cinder easily! They're so happy and emotional! It's really beautiful :)

Sneezy does a twitchy gesture with a Mimic head as celebration. What a fun goofy player! Many salutes to you, Mr. Sneezy Anus!

Love their reflection on the Sneezy Saga in a diary entry :)

They do a credit roll commentary with all the Japanese and other Asian names in there. Chloe Chew Bee Teng is a beautiful and smile inducing name! :)

Other awesome names like Pooky Quesnel and some funny company names too.

Nice special thanks gesture to Sneezy Anus at the end there :)

They jump from a height while screaming "Macaroni Grille!". They don't die but hey do one final salute... until the next DLC! And yes, There really ought to be a DLC pack called "The Sneeze Of Anus" :)

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