Friday 3 March 2017

1-2-switch with barry - really real graphics!


Suzy and Barry play the new game where you look at each other but not the screen, so they have a live action thing going on!

The first flag game reminds me of Game & Watch Flagman. They have to follow the female voice and do the opposite of the male voice. Very confusing!

The soda shake game reminds me of the balloon tossing game from Yoshi's Island.

The shaving one is kinda weird... Doesn't remind me of any other Nintendo game.

The quick draw is like a variation of Wild Gunman. Argh... that "Five" really did sound like "Fire"!

The baseball swing is like most baseball games, but the invisible ball is kind of like the baseball pitcher boss from Wario Ware.

The eating contest just reminds me of jaw pain :/ at least the game advises you to rest your jaw! Suzy's bites weren't registering. Whoops.

Hmm Wizard... The twirling reminds me of Dragon Quest Swords on Wii. The thrusting reminds me of Wii in general, but one of the less fun motion mechanisms.

Aaaahahahaha. The spinny plate one where they have to distract each other is funny :) It makes Suzy laugh her lovely hearty laugh!

Copy dance is nice and kinda like Space Channel 5 :) only with 1 player doing pose, and the other doing copy.

Runway they don't have much room to do, but they manage it!

Air Guitar next. I dunno about this one; the screen just tells you to rock out away, but they look pretty happy rocking out!

Gorilla next. Another rhythm repeat one and seeing the gorillas makes you smile straight away :) sounds are good too!

Then it's Treasure Chest. This one you have to actually look at the screen and untangle the chest from chains by rotating Joy-Cons around.

Finally it's Telephone. Whoever picks it up first, wins!

So yeah, very glad I watched them play instead of playing it myself. I couldn't be bothered with it.

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