Wednesday 22 March 2017

zelda breath of the wild part 10 - maracas and kakariko


Arin and Danny blow up the guy who went near their treasure from last time, but you can't hurt other people in the game, so he just reacts a little.

Arin gushes over the way this game doesn't hold your hand and stuff again. It's funny when he comes up with names for the other Zeldas and they sound like song titles :)

They get into a side quest where they have to retrieve a tree guy's maracas. They manage to blow up the enemies after a few throws.

Love that bit where they shield slide race their rolling bomb! I saw a gif of that bomb shield scene in the Zelda cartoon! They never did broadcast the cartoon itself here though.

Ah they do that same thing in Dragon Quest VIII where they don't say the name of the main character in a voice because you have to name him.

Scroff Toffee sounds like a nice name to give a game character if you could fit it in that many characters.

They arrive at Kakariko Village!

Arin gushes more and explains why not be critical of other stuff that is too similar to other stuff. Not a bad point :)

Then they meet the adorable Paya. Arin's psychologist friend reckons she's been abused. Yikes!

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