Friday 24 March 2017

night in the woods part 3 - fix computer quest


Arin and Suzy go for pizza with their buddies.

"Garden State" the game. That's interesting. This game is pretty melancholy alright and speaks to our age group. I guess I would say between whoever grew past teenage and is seeing their town and life change so much... I dunno exactly what range I could put on it.

They find a dismembered arm. Yeesh. They poke it until they see a hint of a tattoo and Mae's auntie cop comes along and tells them to go home with a buddy system, because something bad's going on.

The dismembered arm thing... it kinda reminds me of the dead body thing from Stand By Me. Like that movie, this game also seems to be like a coming of age drama and that this is like a parallel.

Bea drives them (Mae) home. She's... very cross about something. It can't be just a goth thing.

Love these cosy convos between Mae and her parents :)

Mae's just like a cute kitty when she wakes up and stretches. Aw :)

Wow! All those 90s era pop up ads on her computer!

Oh man! De bantz between them and Mr Penderson! Seriously though... did she get in serious trouble?

This side view with the cars going in the foreground reminds me of Pac-Land.

They find a ball of yarn and kitty kat instincts take over! :)

There's a missing person poster for the aforementioned Casey. They wonder if the arm that was found was his.

Yeah it is kinda weird with the anthropomorphic animals but also regular animals around the place.

The plot thickens... Mae actually caused someone's death? Wonder what's in store... It's kinda eerie with the small town stuff. I never watched Twin Peaks but people say that's what that show was like.

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