Monday 13 March 2017

resident evil 7 biohazard vr part 10 - a long way from night trap


Arin and Danny are still hiding from the crazy mom, who's now stomping around in a tantrum.

They get in the crawlspace, it gets blocked, it goes dark, and... they get caught. That's the videotape.

There's some loading, but it provides good relief for them. They're back as Ethan now.

Wow that's right, Night Trap and it used to scare Danny too! Look how far scary games have come now! Their playthrough of Night Trap even comes up in the YouTube suggestions :)

Argh! That weird guy is back and chasing them again! Urgh... he's all ocvered with blood and maggots are coming out of his head :( blehhhh

At least there's a cool eagle puzzle shadow thingy for a bit of relief. They manage to get away from the weird guy.

I like the quippy stuff :) it'll be like Ash from Evil Dead or something!

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