Wednesday 1 March 2017

link the faces of evil finale part 18 - i won!


Arin and Danny share a story about punching a clown for charity.

Michael B. Nana would be an awesome clown name :)

The story helps Arin cope with missing the jump but he eventually rants about it! Good thing this is the finale!

Cripes, those green dragons are everywhere.

Those tapeworms too. Yeesh. It's weird how the boss is gone but they still struggle with getting beyond because of the minion enemies. Weird way for a game to be.

Hehe... Danon :)  nice way to lighten the mood!

Oooo... that was an ugly defeat facing Ganon :(

And another :( urgh...

I don't know how they're able to keep a level head and stay in any kind of decent humour!

No kiss and Link declares "I won!". At least it makes them laugh!

One more CD-i game to go! I guess finding and buying "Zelda's Adventure" is a quest in itself. These freaking games are expensive :( Those high prices have got to be some kind of preservation measure...

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